Architecture responds to the environment. The environment surrounding each architectural work has its own unique personality. One-of-a-kind architectural works are situated in unique sites, whose context and conditions are varied. Therefore, to address such a situation, an architectural work will be created with a variety of expressions. Our design process and solution approach are based on a consistent concept in any project. Each one of our works must be a unique work and, at the same time, be in harmony with its surrounding environment.
Space is created by “light”. It projects from the sky and is captured on walls creating a rich expression. The structure and its system add a discipline of intelligence to the expressions.
Architecture is also like a life form. The organic beauty of the human body, its proportions, and logical compositional order based on human reason. Every element of architecture should be ordered within the principle of such humanism.
建築の発想は論理的かつ段階的に展開されるものです。計画においては常にシステムの存在を大切にします。複雑な課題も、実証的な問題解決の手法を用い、合理的かつ科学的プロセスを経て、明快に解くことで 使いやすく、美しい計画とします。
Architectural ideas should be developed in a logical and stepwise process. We place value on the existence of the system in planning. By providing clear solutions in a rational and scientific process, we refine complex tasks for functional and beautiful planning using evidence-based solutions.
We value the harmony with the surrounding environment, aiming for the architecture to be gently inserted into the context. With innovative technology, we also keep in mind that all projects should be earth-friendly and have sustainable plans that aim at a low-carbon society.
When considering the architectural design, we do not only think about the building itself. Instead, we always look at the image of the entire region and the future of the city as a whole; then, we advance the plan by considering the position within that.
In creating a new community, we believe it is important to understand the relationships of the building and its surroundings, people’s lives, culture, history, and the local features as well as how they interact and influence each other, which is why we consider that the relationship-design to be important.
We have a consistent mental attitude toward spending a careful amount of time for each project. We value the creative process that best matches the task. In that process, we devote ourselves to deliberate careful consideration from the initial stage of concept planning and program creation. We determine the wishes and opinions of clients and users, repeatedly engage in dialogue, and put effort into creating good architecture regardless of whether it is for public or private use, with design methods in which everyone can easily participate.
Our architectural design corresponds to various types and sizes of buildings from private residences to villas, interiors, commercial facilities to public buildings, especially for new types of public buildings and new programs in line with the era. Furthermore, we deal with complex facility planning, such as schools and hospitals that requires a research-based design approach. We also focus on creating sustainable buildings that are environmentally-friendly and building a low-carbon society.
社会に対して常に新しい建築のあり方を問いつつ、長く愛される、上品で、質の高い 落ち着いたデザインを生み出すことを心がけ、これからも設計していきたいと考えています。都市や風景をより良い未来に向けて発展させる、模範となる、洗練された、実直な建築作品の創造に挑戦してまいります。
While constantly engaging society with new methods of building, we try to create beloved, elegant, high quality and calm architectural works. We continually strive for design innovation and take on the challenge of creating sophisticated and honest architectural works that will develop cities and landscapes toward a better future.